Maybe I’ll become the person you wished I was
Before you ever met me……
Welcome to my website~

Answer to many names. —Catch me if you can!
Many mistakes, decent luck. Living someone else’s dream. Subterranean. 𝑅̮̑𝑎̮̑𝑑̮̑𝑖̮̑𝑎̮̑𝑡̮̑𝑖̮̑𝑛̮̑𝑔̮̑ in the background. Not painting on your radar.
I mix house music, watch anime, and copiously drink herbal teas. Fascinated with aerospace and passionate about photography. Travel is pretty cool; I live on the road. I tinker with computers and servers and have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. You can probably find me on the Fediverse if you look hard enough.
See you, space cowboy…
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